
eCommerce platforms: What are they, why do food producers need them and why do they need to integrate them with NotaZone?

Written by Nota Zone | Jan 18, 2023 9:47:00 AM

eCommerce platforms are online platforms that allow businesses to sell their products or services to customers over the internet. These platforms provide companies with a variety of tools and features to help them manage and grow their online sales, such as inventory management, customer management, payment processing, and marketing tools

NotaZone, an inventory management and trace platform for food producers seamlessly integrate into many eCommerce platforms. Our list of third-party integrations includes Amazon, Shopify, Not on the High Street, Market Man and many others. 

One of the main benefits of using eCommerce platforms for food producers is the ability to reach a wider audience and expand their customer base. For example, Not on the High Street is a marketplace that connects small, independent businesses with customers who are looking for unique and high-quality products. By listing their products on platforms like Amazon or Not on the High Street, food producers can gain access to a large and engaged customer base looking for precisely the type of products they offer. 

By integrating eCommerce platforms with NotaZone, food producers can streamline and automate many of the tasks associated with running an online store. For example, by using a platform like NotaZone, food producers can easily manage their inventory, track sales, and process orders, all from one central location. This can help reduce the time and effort required to manage an online store and allow food producers to focus on what they do best- producing high-quality food products.

Another benefit of integrating an online store with a business tool that allows stock control and trace is that it enables food producers to quickly and easily identify trends. Customer behaviour trends such as which product sells most, when they sell and how often they sell, provide vital sales-led information for food producers to forecast and plan their production in a more effective manner.  

In a world where customers want access to products quickly and easily, eCommerce platforms allow businesses to sell their products or services to customers over the internet. Integrating eCommerce platforms with inventory management and trace platforms like NotaZone can provide food producers with a number of benefits, including the ability to reach a wider audience, expand their customer base, and streamline and automate many of the tasks associated with running an online store. 

If you would like to get started with a stock control and food traceability platform that integrates with your choice of eCommerce platform,  get in touch to book your free demo.