
Linkedin: Why Food producers should use it and how!

Written by Nota Zone | Jan 25, 2023 11:51:56 AM

As a food producer, it’s essential to stay connected with industry professionals and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the food industry. 

One of the ways most of us interact is via social media. When it comes to our food industry, there are many Facebook groups which see a high rate of engagement and popularity. As a user of the platform ourselves, we have enjoyed interacting, learning and reading the advice food producers share so openly and generously on the platform. 

However, an often asked question on the platform seems to be, “Does anyone have a contact in XYZ supermarket?” 

While word-of-mouth introductions have been and will continue to be the best form of introductions, what if as business professionals, you want more? 

More contacts, more professional information regarding the contact, a quicker response?

Linkedin is a professional networking site that allows you to connect with other professionals in your industry. By creating a Linkedin profile, you can connect with other food producers, suppliers, and food consultants, as well as customers and other key stakeholders.

One of the key benefits of using Linkedin as a food producer is that it allows you to build a professional network of contacts. This can be incredibly valuable when it comes to finding new customers, suppliers, or even employees. By connecting with other professionals in the food industry, you can learn about new opportunities, stay informed about industry trends, and get valuable feedback on your products and services. 

As a social media platform with a vast audience, it also allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your field. By sharing your knowledge and expertise on Linkedin, you can build your brand and reputation as a trusted and knowledgeable food producer. This can be especially valuable when it comes to attracting new partners or collaborations. 

To make the most of Linkedin as a food business owner or operations manager, it’s important to be active and engaged on the platform. This means regularly posting updates, articles, and other content that is relevant to the food industry, as well as engaging with other professionals in your network. 

Interestingly Linkedin also has a feature called Linkedin groups, where professionals can join groups related to their industry and connect with like-minded individuals, discuss industry trends, share knowledge, and network with potential business partners and retailers. Much like Facebook groups, it is a great opportunity to expand your network and build relationships. But unlike Facebook, the engagement and the information available about the person on Linkedin is ‘professional’. For example, while speaking to Sam Smith on Facebook you may have an understanding that he is the lead contact at XYZ supermarket and has a family of 6 but on Linkedin, you can have access to his previous work history, his interest and engagement with other food producers, and an opportunity to share your own work profile for easy introductions. 

Hence, while we will continue to engage and be part of platforms on Facebook, we believe that Linkedin is a powerful tool for food producers looking to build professional networks, establish themselves as experts in their field, and stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the food industry. By actively using Linkedin, food producers can connect with key retail stakeholders, and gain new opportunities to grow their businesses.