
Does NotaZone integrate with Shopify?

Written by Nota Zone | Feb 20, 2023 8:37:58 AM

A common question we are asked is if NotaZone integrates with Shopify. The simple answer is, yes. 

NotaZone integrates with Shopify and many other eCommerce platforms to help you smoothly manage your order book by bringing new orders into NotaZone for inventory fulfilment.

Why integrate with Shopify?

eCommerce integration removes manual effort in entering orders across systems and NotaZone will present a consolidated view of customer demand across all your sales platforms.

Invoicing and tax = less manual effort and errors

Coupled with automated invoicing through a connected finance system, NotaZone will achieve zero manual re-keying and remove all risks of human error.

A consolidated order book = customer satisfaction 

By managing your sales orders in one place, you cannot miss an order or send the incorrect quantity of inventory to your customers.

Inventory management

Fulfilment with NotaZone is as easy as scanning your shopping at the supermarket and provides batch traceability alongside order management and inventory control.  Warning of low and end-of-life stock are also available from the one system.

SKUs and product management

SKU matching across eCommerce systems is also necessary to identify products your customer is buying and NotaZone will handle any SKU system you utilise.  NotaZone can even allow multiple SKUs per product when your eCommerce services are not aligned with SKUs. SKU conversion enables SKUs to describe multiples of a product and SKU kitting enables one SKU to denote multiple products, for gift packs or user choices. If you would like to get started with your NotaZone journey, get in touch today.