
How NotaZone helps Pie Manufacturers stay Food Safety Compliant

Written by Nota Zone | Mar 6, 2023 8:48:35 PM

As a food producer, ensuring food safety compliance is crucial to maintaining the trust of your customers and the reputation of your business. NotaZone is an innovative stock control and trace platform that can help food manufacturers ensure compliance with food safety regulations.

Food safety compliance is essential while manufacturing pies as they are perishable food products that can harbour harmful bacteria if not handled and stored correctly. This can result in foodborne illnesses, which can have severe consequences for consumers and your business’s reputation.

Food safety hazards can arise at various stages of the pie manufacturing process, including the handling of raw ingredients, the preparation of the filling, the cooking process, and the packaging and storage of the finished products. Ensuring compliance with food safety regulations can help you identify and mitigate these hazards, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses and protecting your business.

NotaZone is a comprehensive stock control and trace solution that can help pie manufacturers ensure compliance with food safety regulations. It provides a range of features and tools that can help you manage your operations, from raw material inventory to finished product distribution.

One of the key features of NotaZone is its traceability module that allows you to track every ingredient and finished product throughout the production process. This module helps you identify the source of any quality issues or food safety hazards, enabling you to take corrective actions quickly and effectively.

As NotaZone keeps trace at its core, every module you use enables you to keep complete control from goods-in to goods-out of your entire production. This means that on the day of your audit, your trace report is ready in a matter of minutes!

So, if being food safety ready without stress and unnecessary paperwork is your goal, NotaZone can help you achieve it effectively and efficiently. As an all-in-one solution, it is the only tool you will need to help you manage your operations, from raw material inventory to finished product distribution.

By using NotaZone, you can ensure that every pie that leaves your facility meets your standards for food safety and quality, protecting your customers and your business.

To get started with your NotaZone journey in time for your next SALSA or BRC food safety audit, get in touch today to book your demo