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7 tips for preparing for your first SALSA food safety audit as an artisan food producer

Easy tips for food producers to pass their SALSA food safety audit and how NotaZone can help manage stock and trace

The Safe and Local Supplier Approval (SALSA) food safety audit is a rigorous process that assesses the food safety management systems of food producers in the UK. If you are preparing for your first SALSA food safety audit, it is important to be well prepared in order to pass the audit and maintain your SALSA accreditation. 

Here are 7 tips to remember when preparing for your first SALSA food safety audit:

  1. Understand the SALSA standard: The first step in preparing for a SALSA audit is to familiarise yourself with the standard. Understanding the requirements and criteria will be critical in helping assess your food safety management processes. 
  2. Review your food safety management system: Make sure that your food safety management system is up-to-date and compliant with the SALSA standard. This could be in the form of an excel spreadsheet or a cloud-based inventory management and trace platform such as NotaZone. Review all of your policies, procedures and records to ensure they are accurate and complete. 
  3. Train your staff: Make sure that all of your staff are trained on the requirements of the SALSA standard; and the policies and procedures of your choice of food safety management system. This will ensure that they can answer any questions that the auditor may have.
  4. Conduct a mock audit: Conduct a mock audit of your own facility to identify any potential areas of noncompliance before the actual audit takes place. This will help you to identify and address any weaknesses in your food safety management system. 
  5. Be organised: Have all of your records and documentation in order and easily accessible for the auditor. This will demonstrate that you take food safety seriously and are well-prepared for the audit. 
  6. Be transparent: Be honest and transparent with the auditor about any issues or challenges that you have encountered with the food safety management process. Being upfront about any problems will demonstrate your commitment to food safety and your willingness to improve. 
  7. Follow up: After the audit, follow up with the auditor to address any non-compliances that were identified. This will demonstrate that you take food safety seriously and are committed to maintaining your SALSA accreditation. 

Preparing for a SALSA food safety audit can be a daunting task but by following these tips you can be well-prepared and confident that your facility will pass the audit. Understanding the SALSA standard and reviewing your food safety management system can play a critical role in preparing your business for the audit.

NotaZone can be a powerful tool to ensure your premises are food safety compliant, your stock is under control and all records are easy to trace and report when needed. Regularly using a stock control and traceability platform like NotaZone can ensure you are food safety audit ready every day. 

If you would like to get started on your NotaZone journey, get in touch to book a free demo today!

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