Industry News

Pasty Producers go large for Cornish Pasty Week 27 February-05 March 2023 with an extra filling of the community!

Cornish Pasty producers tackle food poverty this Cornish Pasty Week 2023 by donating proceeds from every pasty sold.

The Cornish Pasty Association has launched a new initiative called the Cornish Pasty Community Fund to tackle food poverty in Cornwall. As part of Cornish Pasty Week, pasty makers and sellers across the country have pledged to donate a specific amount of money from every Cornish pasty sold or a fixed lump sum of their choice. The suggested donation is 1p per pasty sold, and the money raised will go towards the Devon & Cornwall Food Action, which provides affordable food for those experiencing food poverty in Cornwall and Devon.

The Charity currently receives 10-15 tons of donated products every week, and with the funds raised by the Cornish Pasty Community Fund, it aims to expand its reach in Cornwall. The charity’s chairman, Alan Dunne, expressed his gratitude for the funds already pledged and hopes to reach even more families facing food poverty in Cornwall. 

The Cornish Pasty Association, through its chairman Jason Jobling, believes that this initiative is a crucial moment to show how the Cornish pasty community can support those in need. The association aims to involve more pasty makers and sellers in this initiative and urges them to contact them for more information.

NotaZone, an inventory management and trace platform supports such initiatives that empower food producers and the greater community. It is heartening to see the Cornish Pasty Association and Devon & Cornwall Food Action coming together to tackle food poverty in Cornwall. We hope that more communities will take inspiration from this initiative and work towards eradicating food poverty across the world. 

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